
Passwords for DDEC Detroit Engines


Figure 1.1 - Passwords

The ECM’s settings are protected by passwords. When you use the Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL) to change settings, you must enter the appropriate password within the program before you can transmit the changes to the ECM.

There are four different types of password, depending on which settings you want to change:
  • The Calibration Password is used to protect most of the calibration settings in the ECM.
  • The Ratings Password gives additional protection to the rating setting, as this can have major consequences for Engine life as well as performance: you have to enter both the calibration and rating passwords to change the rating.
  • The Group Lockout Password allows an administrator to choose other functions for protection with an extra password: you have to enter both the calibration and function lockout passwords to change the functions locked out.
  • The Injector Calibration is protected by a separate password.
The Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL) allows fleet managers to restrict access to calibration passwords, by allowing them to save an encrypted copy of the password with a calibration. A technician can then use the program without needing to know the password to actually transmit the calibration to the ECM (or several ECMs, provided they all use the same password). If the technician changes the saved calibration after opening it, the program will not transmit the changed calibration unless the password is entered again.

As well as allowing you to enter the appropriate passwords, the program allows you to change them and record the change in the ECM. 

#Open Calibration
1). Open saved calibration file (.cal), or upload from the ECM directly. Read More: Upload Calibration from the ECM using Detroit Diesel Calibration Tool (DDCT).
→Right click on Calibration Manager - Open Calibration...
Figure 1.2 - Calibration Manager
→Navigate the calibration file, and click Open.
Figure 1.3 - Open Calibration

2). Expand the Calibration Manager.
Figure 1.4 - Calibration Manager (32.6)

3). Expand the Shared folder.
Figure 1.5 - Shared
Figure 1.6 - Customer Changeable Options
→Expand the Passwords folder.
Figure 1.7 - Passwords
→Click and hold on Passwords folder, then drag to Panel1
Figure 1.8 - Passwords (Panel1)

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